Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Tower Tarot Card: The Ultimate in Change

Not the nicest looking card, huh?
But it's necessary. The Tower is the 16th card of the Major Arcana. Nobody likes to see this card pop up in a reading and that's why I wrote an article about it. Don't freak out yet! It's the most difficult card in the deck, but you may not understand its' significance in your life until after the situation has occurred.

The Tower tarot card is all about "the breaking down of forms". A sudden catastrophe, disruption, or big change has happened or is about to happen and it's the kind that (when the dust clears) leads to a new beginning and spiritual enlightenment.

I'm talking about: broken relationships, financial losses, careers ending, etc.

This is KARMIC stuff. It's not anything that you can change.

But before you start freaking out, DON'T. Sometimes, what you think might be a huge Tower situation might turn out to be a little pile of bricks. Don't overreact. You have to remember: God/dess and strong spiritual forces surround you at all times. You can take the mundane steps to make sure you and your family and property are safe, just like you normally do, and then trust in your Highest Self. The Tower can be a powerful teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Great write-up, Brigid! I sometimes think The Tower appears in order to give us a "heads up" about something that needs to change and will change, so that we can adjust and adapt our thoughts and actions accordingly. We can't prevent the change itself, but we can work with it or within it in a productive manner!
